Each spring, millions of us look forward to our tax refunds. You might have big plans to spend that money on a vacation, or new furniture, or a down
How Much Money Do You Need to Retire?
How much money do you need, to retire? Well, that’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? The answer is different for everyone, but Merrill Lynch
7 Signs You Need to Revamp Your Retirement Plan
Have you constructed a detailed plan for retirement? Or do you assume that because you’re regularly stashing money in a retirement fund, that
Will You Retire Earlier Than Expected?
Most of us have a general idea of when we’ll retire, and our future income plans might rest heavily upon that timeline becoming reality. For example,
How Will Inflation Affect You Individually?
We all know that inflation will affect our long-term financial plans, particularly with regard to retirement budgets. No, you usually won’t notice
6 Mistakes to Avoid in Retirement
Retirement is one of the biggest changes you will face in your life. Not only is it a financial challenge; your entire lifestyle will shift