If you are like most of us, you probably don’t nitpick each deduction on your paycheck every pay day. You know that the basics come out. There’s
A New Type of Fraud Targets Retirees
Con artists often target retirees, whether by luring them into dubious financial schemes or just outright stealing their credit or debit card
How Does Working During Retirement Affect Your Social Security Benefits?
After you leave the workforce and enter retirement, one of several things might happen. You might decide that you want to earn a little extra income,
5 Social Security Facts That Might Surprise You
What do you know about Social Security? You know that taxes are taken out of your checks, and that someday you will claim your benefits when you
Social Security Beneficiaries Receive COLA in January
Once you retire, and your income depends upon a combination of Social Security and retirement plan distributions, it can be frustrating to watch the
4 Reasons to Guard Your Social Security Number
You already know that safeguarding your Social Security number can prevent identity theft, but you might be wondering exactly what hackers and con
The Importance of Timing Social Security
Your retirement plan will be composed of many different variables, all of which come together to form a complete picture. Social Security is just one
7 Surprising Facts About Social Security
Ever since it was first created in 1935, Social Security has provided retirees with supplemental retirement income. Since the vast majority of us pay
4 Changes to Social Security in 2017
As you plan for retirement, Social Security will comprise an important part of your overall strategy. But because rules and procedures change